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- From January through October, Serbian snipers killed over 50
- Sarajevo civilians and wounded more than 300. Even though an
- antisniping agreement was signed in August, there were eight
- fatalities in September, and the sniping continues unabated.
- There were more persons wounded in September (60) than there
- were in January (47), before the North Atlantic Treaty
- Organization's (NATO) ultimatum. UNPROFOR figures on this
- subject may be somewhat different because, as of the September
- antisniping agreement, UNPROFOR began classifying injuries from
- sniper fire as "injuries caused by random exchange of fire."
- Thus, under UNPROFOR categories, only killings are classified
- as sniper fire.
- Throughout 1994, the BSA continued to pound Bosnian populations
- centers with mortars and automatic weapons fire, causing the
- death of hundreds of civilians from January through October.
- The population centers most affected were Sarajevo, Gorazde,
- Mostar, Olovo, Tuzla, Visoko, Vares, and Breza. During the May
- offensive against Gorazde, Serbian shelling killed between 500
- and 600 Bosnian civilians. In Sarajevo, prior to the NATO
- ultimatum, the most deadly results from a single projectile
- came in a downtown Sarajevo marketplace in February when one
- shell killed 68 people. Also prior to the ultimatum, on
- January 22, Serbs fired three shells into a residential
- neighborhood, killing five children.
- In addition to firing directly on civilians, during the year
- the BSA fired directly on humanitarian aid convoys and on
- UNPROFOR troops escorting them. It choked off assistance at
- various times to the eastern enclaves, Sarajevo, and (through
- its Krajina Serb allies) Bihac. In an early November order on
- mobilization, issued in response to ABH successes near Bihac,
- the "Serbian Republic" leadership ordered secondary schools
- closed, students to report to their units, and emigres to
- return to fight under penalty of being branded as deserters.
- UNSC Resolution 900 specifically provides for the uninterrupted
- supply of utilities to Sarajevo. In defiance of this
- resolution, Bosnian Serb authorities continued to manipulate
- the supply of basic utilities as part of their strategy of
- pressuring and demoralizing the population of Sarajevo.
- UNPROFOR-sponsored talks were held to resolve the utilities
- problem, but the Bosnian Government claims that utilities were
- restored only after the Bosnians found ways to cut off
- utilities to Serb-occupied territory.
- Section 2 Respect for Civil Liberties, Including:
- a. Freedom of Speech and Press
- The Constitution provides for freedom of speech and the press,
- but 3 years of wartime conditions have thwarted the development
- of truly independent media in Federation territory. As a
- result, the Government only partially respects this right in
- the majority of Federation territory, and the authorities in
- the HDZ-controlled "Herceg-Bosna" do not respect this right at
- all.
- Although there are some independent media in Federation
- territory, in general the ruling SDA and HDZ political parties
- exert considerable influence over the media. Many private
- radio stations broadcast from Federation territory; a smaller
- number of private television stations serve local markets in
- Zenica and Tuzla. These independent media have complained of
- strong-armed Bosnian government tactics. When the ruling SDA
- party came under strong criticism for alleged corruption by the
- Sarajevo paper Bosna, former employees for the paper claim it
- subsequently was harassed out of existence, closing its doors
- in October. In the northeastern city of Tuzla, for example,
- the local television station "FS3" lost its building and some
- equipment when the district government moved Tuzla Radio and
- Television operations to its premises.
- Bosnian government-controlled television dominates the
- airwaves. It came under strong criticism in 1994 for alleged
- censorship of programming that did not hew to the SDA line,
- such as a series of broadcasts by the satirical troupe
- "Nadrealisti" ("Surrealists"), which Bosnian television had
- itself produced. The development of independent media also was
- constrained by the wartime lack of start-up capital, paper, and
- supplies. Western television stations such as Cable News
- Network (CNN) and Sky News are available to those in Federation
- territory who can afford such service. In HDZ-controlled
- "Herceg-Bosna," the media are part of the HDZ structure but not
- as strictly censored as in the "Serbian Republic." Croatia
- supplies transmissions of Radio Split to the inhabitants of
- "Herceg-Bosna."
- Foreign journalists in Sarajevo and elsewhere on federation
- territory say they operated without censorship or government
- interference of any kind, whereas media in the "Serbian
- Republic" are a propaganda tool of the ruling SDS party. The
- SDS strictly censors the media in Serb-controlled territory;
- laissez-passers for foreign journalists are issued by
- Karadzic's daughter. The party's media voice, the Serbian
- Republic News Agency, Tanjug (the news agency of the Milosevic
- regime in Serbia), and other Serbian sources formed the basis
- for near total domination of both print and electronic
- information media. All foreign media are banned in the
- "Serbian Republic." The public in Serbian territory only has
- access to two choices: Serbian media from Pale or Serbian
- media from Belgrade.
- In Bosnia and Herzegovina, academic freedom was constrained
- more by lack of resources and access (to information, other
- academic communities, etc.) than by government policies. In
- Serb-controlled areas, general lack of tolerance for dissent
- led to total control of the educational media. Curriculums in
- Serb-controlled areas have been revamped to teach solely Serb
- history, art, literature, etcetera. There has been no evidence
- of an intellectual exchange of ideas in the media or other
- academic fora in Serb-held territory since the 1992 invasion.
- b. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association
- The Constitution provides for freedom of association, and the
- Government generally respected this right in practice.
- Although large gatherings of people were generally discouraged
- in Sarajevo for security reasons, demonstrations took place,
- for example, to protest the offensive against Gorazde in April.
- While political membership is not forced, membership in the
- ruling SDA and HDZ parties in Federation territory is viewed as
- the main way to obtain scarce housing and jobs. In
- "Herceg-Bosna," the HDZ, through threat and coercion, has
- prevented other Croatian parties from forming.
- In the "Serbian Republic," the SDS's control over security and
- police impose severe limitations on the right to assemble and
- associate. In September, however, the authorities took no
- action against demonstrations by small groups in the Serb-
- controlled Sarajevo suburb of Ilidza, protesting the closure of
- the blue route (the UN-protected road over Mount Igman leading
- into and out of Sarajevo which was closed by the UN in July
- after Karadzic threatened to use force to close it). While
- political membership is not forced, membership in the SDS is
- viewed as the means to obtain access to both jobs and housing.
- c. Freedom of Religion
- The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, including
- private and public worship. However, within the Federation the
- authorities did not respect these rights in consistent
- fashion. In general during 1994, conditions for religious
- observance were significantly better for non-Muslims in those
- parts of the Federation where Muslims dominated than they were
- for non-Catholics in areas where Croats dominated.
- In Tuzla, for example, which is governed by a nonnationalist
- city administration with a Muslim majority, the authorities
- repaired a Serbian Orthodox church damaged by Serbian shelling
- The dominant political parties are both based on ethnic or
- religious identification: SDA-Muslim and HDZ-Croat. Members
- of these parties used religion or ethnicity as ideological
- litmus tests and means of intraparty competition. The results,
- reinforced by Communist-era experience, sometimes emerged in
- the form of radical positions embraced by some political or
- religious figures. For example, a trend towards Islamization
- of Bosnia was widely reported in international media during the
- latter half of 1994. Among the examples cited to illustrate
- this trend were statements made by the Reis-ul-Ulema, the head
- of Bosnia's Muslim community, criticizing mixed marriages and
- consumption of pork and alcoholic beverages. Culture and
- Education Minister Enes Karic was also cited for heavyhandedly
- promoting Muslim religious studies in elementary schools,
- calling for a ban against Serbian music played over Sarajevo
- radio stations, and trying to exercise political control over
- the content of educational and cultural activities. In almost
- all cases, however, public outcry (especially among Muslim
- Bosnians) forced politicians to back down from such
- positions.
- The "Serbian Republic" continued systematically to eradicate
- the remaining traces of the centuries-old Muslim and Catholic
- presence, demolishing mosques, churches, cultural and religious
- monuments, and graveyards. In spite of the Serb "authorities"
- use of religion as an identifier for "ethnic cleansing," those
- remaining non-Serbs in Serb-held territory reportedly are
- allowed to attend services, if they can find a place in which
- to worship.
- d. Freedom of Movement Within the Country, Foreign
- Travel, Emigration, and Repatriation
- The Constitution provides for freedom of movement. In
- practice, however, the ongoing hostilities effectively
- restricted the full exercise of this right. The demands of
- mobilization and the dangers of crossing checkpoints and
- confrontation lines often made movement difficult. Moreover,
- as a matter of policy, the Government sought to avoid letting
- all would-be refugees flee to avoid both depopulating the
- country and creating massive resettlement problems throughout
- Europe.
- The Federation has not yet fully addressed the issue of the
- right of refugees and displaced persons to freely return to
- their homes of origin and to have returned to them any property
- of which they were deprived in the course of ethnic cleansing,
- as provided for in the Constitution. According to Bosnian Red
- Cross statistics, there are currently a quarter of a million
- displaced persons in Federation territory. Frequently they are
- prevented from returning to their homes because of harsh
- recriminations leveled by different communities. For example,
- in mid-October Bosnian Croat leaders denounced alleged ethnic
- cleansing by Muslim Bosnians in cities such as Vares, Bugojno,
- Zenica, and Sarajevo. Bosnians in Bugojno denied this was
- true, and claimed that their city contained many Bosnians
- driven out of Croat-controlled Prozor, Stolac, and Capljina who
- had personally witnessed the brutality of ethnic cleansing by
- Croats.
- The proposed law on refugees and displaced persons being
- considered by the Federal Parliament provides for the return
- home of all Federation citizens. Bosnian Red Cross officials
- oppose massive population resettlements and view relocation as
- contributing to Karadzic's policy of ethnic cleansing.
- Section 3 Respect for Political Rights: The Right of Citizens
- to Change Their Government
- Citizens of the Bosnian Federation have the right to change
- their government peacefully, both through direct elections and
- by amending the constitution. However, they have not had the
- ability to do so since the elections of December 1990.
- According to the Constitution, elections to the federal
- legislature ought to have been held 6 months after the
- Constitution's entry into force, that is, by September 30.
- These elections were delayed pending the formation of the
- federal cantons which were in turn delayed by disagreements
- between Croats and Bosnians on formation of the cantons'
- constituent municipalities.
- The delay in establishing the Federation's internal structure
- was compounded by the nature of the Federation as a state of
- Bosnians, Croats, and "others." Under the Constitution, power
- would be shared primarily between Bosnians and Croats. It
- became clear during 1994 that, in practice, "Bosnians" actually
- meant the dominant Muslim political party SDA, and "Croats"
- meant the dominant Croat party HDZ. Among the quasi-
- disfranchised "others" were non-SDA Muslims and non-HDZ Croats,
- along with Serbs who had been loyal to the multiethnic
- republic, Bosnians of mixed ethnicity (estimated to make up 30
- percent of the prewar Bosnian population), Jews, Roma, Vlachs,
- and the rest of Bosnia's varied ethnic mix.
- Women are underrepresented in government and politics, although
- a few women occupy prominent positions. For example, a Serbian
- woman belongs to the Republic's collective presidency, and a
- Muslim woman heads Bosnian radio and television.
- Although people on territory controlled by the "Serbian
- Republic" have a theoretical right to change their government
- and actually participated in "referendums," including one in
- August on the Contact Group proposal (with a 90 percent-plus
- vote against), SDS control of the media and security apparatus
- effectively precludes true citizen participation without
- intimidation. In the "Serbian Republic," women such as
- Karadzic's daughter, his wife (head of the "Serbian Republic"
- Red Cross), and one of his vice presidents occupy important
- posts.
- Section 4 Governmental Attitude Regarding International and
- Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Violations
- of Human Rights
- In late 1994, officials of the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal said
- that the Bosnian Government was cooperating fully with their
- investigations and inquiries, even in cases of accusations of
- war crimes by Bosnian forces. Other human rights monitors also
- worked effectively with the Bosnian Government.
- The U.N. Special Rapporteur and his staff, however, remain
- barred from Banja Luka following publication of their report in
- 1993 which condemned the ethnic cleansing that occurred there.
- The staff of the War Crimes Tribunal also traveled to Pale in
- "Serbian Republic"-held territory and described its visit as
- "satisfactory." However, most human rights monitors observed
- that Bosnian Serb authorities effectively impeded the War
- Crimes Tribunal's work by blocking its passage to Serb-held
- areas.
- In early November, the Government accused the UNPROFOR of
- blocking the transport of witnesses to testify at a war crimes
- trial in Denmark. This accusation appeared to be without
- substance; UNPROFOR did much to support the War Crimes Tribunal
- staff during its visits to Bosnia.
- Section 5 Discrimination Based on Race, Sex, Religion,
- Disability, Language, or Social Status
- The Constitution provides for freedom from discrimination based
- on race, color, sex, language, religion or creed, political or
- other opinions, and national or social origin. However, the
- state of war and the ethnic and religious basis of that war
- created an environment in which many forms of discrimination
- were practiced.
- Women
- Women hold some of the most responsible positions in society,
- including judges, doctors, and professors. However, they
- continued to be subjected to rape and other forms of physical
- abuse. Officials at the "Rasadnik" forced labor camp in the
- "Serbian Republic" raped five women from the camp early in the
- year (see Section 1.c.).
- Children
- There is no discrimination against children as such, but they
- suffered long-term harm from war-related shortages of food and
- clothing, the closing of schools, psychological trauma, and
- constricted environments for living and playing. Serbian
- snipers are suspected of targeting children; the inordinate
- number of children killed by snipers apparently substantiate
- this suspicion. In the final months of the year, Serb snipers
- shot and killed a 12 year old girl in the middle of town, a
- young boy riding his bicycle in front of the Holiday Inn and
- another young boy in the Dobrinja area near the airport.
- National/Racial/Ethnic Minorities
- Ethnic differences are at the heart of the war in Bosnia and
- Herzegovina and have been manipulated by both the SDS party and
- the HDZ to sustain concepts of a "greater Serbia" and a
- "greater Croatia." The human rights violations addressed
- throughout this report--ethnic cleansing, rape, forced labor,
- forced relocation, extrajudicial killing--were largely
- perpetrated with the goal of establishing the superiority and
- political domination of a particular ethnic group. No group
- was more victimized than Bosnia's Muslims.
- People with Disabilities
- It is not known whether there are laws providing for protection
- of the handicapped. In 1994 the number of disabled veterans
- and civilians disabled by war injuries continued to increase.
- The Government had limited resources to address the special
- needs of the disabled.
- Section 6 Worker Rights
- a. The Right of Association
- The Constitution provides for the right of workers to form and
- join labor unions. The largest union is the Confederation of
- Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the heir of
- the old Yugoslav Communist Trade Union Confederation. Unions
- have the right to strike, but in practice mobilization and
- other emergency wartime measures generally restricted the
- exercise of this right. Moreover, the economic devastation and
- joblessness caused by the war throughout much of the Federation
- allowed trade unions little opportunity to organize and carry
- out their normal role.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- The law provides for this right, but the practice of collective
- bargaining in labor-management negotiations was not
- significantly used in 1994.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Most Bosnians of productive age in the Federation were
- mobilized to serve either in the military or in supporting
- capacities in connection with the war. Government authorities
- in practice tolerated a significant amount of independent
- freedom of choice in the selection of work to fulfill the
- obligations imposed by the mobilization decree.
- Reliable sources reported that detainees at the government-run
- detention facility in Tarcin did agricultural forced labor in
- the fields nearby (see Section 1.c.).
- According to a reliable service, the forced labor camp
- "Rasadnik" operated by "Serbian Republic" authorities outside
- of Rogatica continued to function through April 1994. Serbs
- have denied access to the camp, saying it is "not related to
- the conflict." The camp has held up to 50 prisoners who worked
- as prison labor in the stockyards there (see Section 1.c.).
- "Serbian Republic" agents seized military-age men for detention
- in "work camps," such as one in Lopare where over 200 were held
- for forced labor, without access to international observers.
- As of October, according to Bosnian Serb television reports,
- local military and police commanders have the right to punish
- those guilty of spreading disinformation about the "Serbian
- Republic" by sentencing then to forced labor on the front lines
- (see Section 1.e.).
- Non-Serb men and women in the Banja Luka and Bijeljina regions
- were routinely forced to labor, digging trenches, tilling
- fields, cleaning streets, etc. They received no compensation
- for this work. A few farmers were able to avoid forced labor
- by giving their entire harvest to the authorities. Reports of
- the forced labor of non-Serb women began to appear in September.
- d. Minimum Age for Employment of Children
- The minimum age for employment of children remained 16. Bosnia
- had no effective social services agency to enforce the limit in
- 1994. Children sometimes assisted their families with farm
- work and odd jobs.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- In principle, minimum wages were guaranteed, but with the
- economy in collapse workers had no assurance they would be paid
- for work performed. The basic wage paid to government
- employees in Sarajevo, for example, was $0.66 (DM 1.00) per
- month, with supplemental allowances of flour and other
- humanitarian assistance.
- The prewar 42-hour workweek, with a 24-hour rest period, was
- formally still in effect, but for many workers no limits on
- working hours appeared to apply.
- Occupational safety and health regulations were generally
- sacrificed because of the demands and constraints imposed by
- the war.